Online shopping is more than a hobby for those who get the thrill of adding to a basket and pure joy from a complete checkout. With the digital landscape constantly evolving, you can virtually buy on almost every popular platform. Online shopping has now become something you physically cannot avoid.
While this might be overwhelming for some as the options and endless scrolling are too much, for most, including myself, it is a sport, and the joy I receive from scrolling through my apps with a skinny cocktail and getting my order is pretty much the next day, and it is even BETTER than the picture.
Online Shopping During the Pandemic
Online shopping became commonplace after first being innovative. The epidemic changed consumer behaviour years ago, favouring online purchases of essential necessities like toilet paper. E-commerce sales surged by $244 billion, or 43%, in 2020, from $571 billion in 2019 to $815 billion, according to the Annual Retail Trade Survey.
At least in part, the desire to avoid indoor venues contributed to that spike. However, experts speculate that self-soothing behaviours might also be involved. Retail therapy has long been seen to be helpful, according to research.
According to a 2014 study that appeared in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, for instance, buying purchases both makes people feel happier right away and combats depression that lingers. The authors of the study hypothesise that one factor could be the sensation of autonomy and control that comes with making purchases.
Going shopping had “lasting positive impacts on mood,” according to a different study that was published in Psychology & Marketing in 2011. It is also not linked to feelings of guilt or regret over impulsive purchases.
Why Online Shopping Makes People Happy?
Online shopping elevates the joy of in-store purchasing to a new, perhaps overwhelming level in many respects. Joshua Klapow, a psychologist and adjunct associate professor of public health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, adds, “It’s psychologically so powerful.”
Part of the reason why online shopping is so appealing is convenience. When we go shopping in person, Klapow points out, we have to walk, drive or figure out some other way of getting there, and then we have to hopelessly wander around aisle after aisle, fingers crossed that what we are looking for is actually in stock. Therefore, online shopping gives you a straight and almost immediate answer and is extremely convenient.
You can order almost anything from the comfort of your own home; you can multi-task even with a ready-to-drink cocktail in one hand and your phone in the other. The only sad part of this whole process is that you can’t physically see the product. However, you might not locate the perfect garment in the proper size or colour if he goes to a big-box store. He’s more likely to find exactly what he wants with much less fuss while buying online, still delivering some sort of satisfaction.
It’s interesting to note that waiting for an order to arrive is another, more delayed form of satisfaction that is linked to Internet purchasing. According to Klapow, waiting for something wonderful is “like Christmas every day.” He compares tracking a box to keeping an eye on Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve.
People who work from home might resonate with this more; they get excited and eagerly glance out the window to see if there is a package that can relate to that. “I make sure to receive my packages on time. Personally, I can’t wait to open it and try everything on, and it’s even better knowing you can return anything with ease.